Moorside Community Primary School

Moorside Community Primary School

  1. News
  2. Whole School News
  3. PSHCE Autumn 1 'Being me in my world' parent information

PSHCE Autumn 1 'Being me in my world' parent information

8 September 2023 (by schooladmin)


Friday 8th September 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

We start our PSHE Jigsaw year in Autumn 1 with the theme ‘Being me in my world’.

To help EYFS pupils settle into their setting they will be encouraged to have confidence to try new activities, assisted to adjust their behaviour to different situations and take changes of routine in their stride. They will be helped to learn how to be part of a group and understand and follow the school rules, encouraging them to talk about their own and others behaviour and learn that some behaviours are unacceptable and have consequences.

KS1 pupils will be supported to feel safe and special and belong in their new classes. They will learn to understand their rights and responsibilities and be encouraged to contribute their ideas. We will explore how all behaviour has consequences, in school positive behaviour choices = rewards and poor behaviour choices = sanctions to help make their class a safe and fair place.  

KS2 pupils will be encouraged to positively face the challenges of being in a new class and be confident to ask for help when needed. They will learn to understand the role they play in the school community and how their actions and choices affect others. They will explore how democracy and having a voice benefits the school and global community and learn about rights and responsibilities.  

If you would like more information about the content of this topic, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher or Mrs P Howarth, Pastoral Manager, further information about PSHE can also be found on the school website.  

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. H. Higgs
