Moorside Community Primary School

Moorside Community Primary School

  1. News
  2. Nursery Nativities

Nursery Nativities

16 November 2023 (by schooladmin)

Thursday 16th November 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

We would like to invite you into Nursery class to watch our Christmas Performance. There will be two performances on Wednesday 20th December 2023. We are inviting Nursery children to attend for the full day.

Morning Performance 10.15am

Afternoon Performance 2.15pm

The performance is on a Wednesday so that all the children get a chance to be involved. If your child attends school full time, then you can have someone attend at both performances.

Each child is allocated a maximum of two tickets per performance, which include accompanying children over the age of 3. Please indicate below which tickets you would like or ask at the school office.

If you have any questions, then please ask staff on the door.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs H. Higgs
