Moorside Community Primary School

Moorside Community Primary School

  1. News
  2. EYFS Sports Day Information

EYFS Sports Day Information

24 May 2024 (by schooladmin)


Friday 24th May 2024


Dear Parent/Carer,

We are very excited to announce that we will be holding an Early Years sports hour on Wednesday 12th June from 9.30am – 10.30am.  This will be the first opportunity for this group of children to show you their sporting achievements so we know you will all be looking forward to attending.

The events will be held on the MUGA and we ask that parents sign in and out from the side gate off the snicket at the left hand side of the school from 9:20am. There will be an area for parents to sit in to ensure all children remain with their small group whilst completing the activities. At the end of the session, children will be able to say goodbye to you before returning to their classes. Please can all parents remain in the parent zone until the children are back with their designated adults.

Nursery children who normally attend just the Wednesday morning session will return to class but may be collected from the school office if parents wish to do so. Children who don’t normally attend nursery on a Wednesday are welcome to attend the sports hour and be collected at 10:30am from the school office. Children who normally just attend Wednesday PM sessions may attend all day, but we ask that they please bring a packed lunch.

Please can nursery children wear their team colours in clothes suitable for sports. Reception children will wear their school PE kit.

Photos will also be shared on Seesaw for parents who are unable to attend.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. H. Higgs
