Moorside Community Primary School

Moorside Community Primary School

  1. News
  2. Whole School News
  3. Summer 2 PSHCE Parent Information

Summer 2 PSHCE Parent Information

3 June 2024 (by schooladmin)

Monday 3rd June 2024

Dear Parent/Carer,

Over the next half term the theme of our PSHE Jigsaw lessons will be ‘Changes’.

EYFS pupils will continue to be encouraged to speak confidently in familiar groups about their ideas and feelings, to work as part of their class to understand and follow the school rules. They will be supported to show sensitivity to others needs and feelings and form positive relationships with adults and other children.  Story and carpet time discussions will explore change to prepare the children positively for their next setting.

KS1 pupils will explore life cycles, our changing bodies and the physical difference between girls and boys, using the correct names for parts of the body. They will be supported to understand that  some parts of their bodies are private. They will be encouraged to think about the changes they have already experienced and how to cope with changes to come such as moving on to their next year group.

KS2 pupils will explore how babies develop and grow from conception, how girls and boys bodies change during puberty and that menstruation is a natural part of this, they will learn to correctly label the internal and external parts of the male and female body necessary for making a baby. They will be supported to accept and cope with change and identify what to look forward to when preparing to move onto their next year group.

In addition, Y4, Y5 and Y6 pupils will learn about attraction and self/body image. They will explore in more detail the changes boys and girls experience during puberty and that sexual intercourse can lead to conception. Pupils will be asked to be sensitive and consider their younger peers and siblings when discussing what they have learnt outside the classroom.

If you would like more information about the content of this topic, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher. Please contact Mrs P Howarth, Pastoral Manager if you would like a link to view the Jigsaw session content for your child’s particular year group. A copy of the Relationship and Sex Education whole school mapping and policy can be found on the school website, alongside a Jigsaw RSHE parent guide for your information.    

Yours faithfully,

Mrs H Higgs
